JANUARY 31, 2025

Spore Initiative awarded the DAM Prize 2025

On January 31, 2025, Germany's most prestigious architecture prize was awarded at the Deutsches Architektur Museum (DAM). From the 100 nominated projects, 23 had initially made it onto the shortlist, from which the jury selected four finalists in October 2024. The jury was convinced by the new Spore Initiative building on Hermannstrasse in Berlin, with jury chair Regula Lüscher praising the project as an “archaic and powerfully beautiful house” whose “wonderfully composed forecourt and breathtaking ground floor say: ‘I am a public place’. Something almost idyllic has been created at the rear. A stroke of luck.”

For more information, see the press release from Schnetzer Puskas Ingenieure. (in German)

NOVEMBER 15, 2024

Spore Initiative & Publix complex receives this year's BDA Berlin Prize

We are proud to be a part of the award-winning Spore Initiative & Publix project, which was awarded the prestigious BDA Berlin Prize 2024. In close collaboration with AFF Architekten and the Schöpflin Foundation, we worked from the initial idea to completion to develop an efficient and material-optimized supporting structure. The result is a building ensemble that combines aesthetics, function and sustainability.

Link to the BDA Prize website

SEPTEMBER 23, 2024

Prix Lignum honors 39 best timber buildings and carpentry works

The headquarters of the Christoph Merian Foundation in Basel as well as the FCZ training center and the reusable sports buildings, all in Zurich, were awarded the Prix Lignum 2024 - the reusable sports buildings even received a gold award. Schnetzer Puskas Ingenieure planned the foundations for the buildings in the latter project, and we were involved in the other two projects from design to completion.

Further information on the award-winning projects can be found here:


SEPTEMBER 18, 2024

Re-use of steel on the uptownBasel site

On September 10, HSLU students visited uptownBasel and learned from Schnetzer Puskas Ingenieure how steel from existing buildings is reused in new projects. regioTVplus reported on this knowledge transfer:

Video: What HSLU learns about steel reuse at uptownBasel 

AUGUST 21, 2024

Exhibition at the Architektur Galerie Berlin: “Schnetzer Puskas Ingenieure. Balanced Structures”

With Schnetzer Puskas Ingenieure, the Architektur Galerie Berlin is presenting the work of an engineering firm for the first time. The exhibition thus pays tribute to a discipline that is often not in the spotlight, although it is fundamental to the success of impressive buildings and sustainable architecture. At the same time, designing engineers are playing an increasingly important role in the field of tension between civil engineering, architecture and the construction industry.

The title Balanced Structures reflects Schnetzer Puskas Ingenieure's multi-layered approach. The aim is not only to balance structures in terms of stability, form and function, but also to integrate them into the urban or landscape context in a balanced way. In view of the current economic and ecological challenges, the office is also increasingly concerned with minimizing the use of materials and the carbon footprint as well as the circular economy. At the same time, the exhibition title can be read as a motto for the dialog between engineers and architects, in which constructive necessities and (architectural) artistic freedom merge into a single entity.

Schnetzer Puskas Ingenieure illustrate this approach with four projects whose constructions are essential for the architectural expression: The new buildings for the taz and the Spore Initiative in Berlin as well as, in Switzerland, the TITLIS project in Engelberg and the sports and swimming center in Zurich-Oerlikon, which were developed in collaboration with E2A, AFF Architekten, Herzog & de Meuron and Boltshauser Architekten. Their development is based on a joint problem analysis, on the basis of which independent solutions with a highly unique selling point were developed.

Exhibition: September 6 - October 12, 2024

Opening: September 5, 2024, 7 pm

Welcome: Ulrich Müller, Architektur Galerie Berlin
Introduction: Wim Eckert, E2A

Talk: October 9, 2024, 7 pm
Ulrike Dix, AFF Architects
Anke Lawrence, Federal Office for Building and Regional Planning BBR
Kevin Rahner, Schnetzer Puskas Ingenieure
Moderation: Angelika Hinterbrandner, journalist


JUNE 28, 2024

Release of the book "Balanced Structures by Schnetzer Puskas" on July 1, 2024

Our firm celebrated its seventieth anniversary in 2023. Over the years, the office has built up an impressive portfolio through its collaboration with up-and-coming as well as established architectural firms for a wide variety of clients. The book offers a glimpse into the history of Schnetzer Puskas Ingenieure and the development of structural engineering. Important buildings from the last ten years and projects from the next ten years are presented. Several illustrated contributions by architects, clients, engineers and experts examine the collaboration between the disciplines and the current challenges in the construction industry. The publication is therefore not only aimed at engineers, architects, specialist planners and entrepreneurs, but shall also be understood and discussed by students and a broader public. The book is completed with a portrait by Cologne photographer Albrecht Fuchs and a list of works.

For more information: link to the dedicated page at publisher Simonett & Baer

MAY 13, 2024

The team ARGE GP Buchner Bründler Planer / Proplaning wins the project competition "Neues Wohnen 'Im Brüel' in Aesch BL

The existing "Im Brüel" retirement home is to be extended to include additional beds and new residential units. The current basis of the site is formed by two interwoven building complexes dating from 1967 and 1995. The extensions will be carried out in wooden superstructures that will take over the existing structures. A new wooden building with a public character completes the facility. In addition to the required operational efficiency, the aim of the project team is to create a dignified, harmonious and caring place for the residents. 

ARGE Buchner Bründler Planer AG with Proplaning AG, MOFA Studio GmbH Landschaftsarchitektur, Schnetzer Puskas Ingenieure AG, Abicht Zug AG Haustechnik, Quantum Brandschutz GmbH.

Jury report and more information on the competition at https://competitions.espazium.ch/de/wettbewerbe/entschieden/neues-wohnen-im-bruel-aesch-bl   

FEBRUARY 1, 2024

Kilian Weiss 1934 - 2024

Kilian Weiss passed away on January 3, 2024 at the age of 89. As a co-founder, he shaped the history of our company for over three decades. He first came into contact with Heinz Hossdorf's engineering office during his studies at ETH Zurich and worked as an intern in his laboratory. After graduating and gaining his first professional experience in Paris, Kilian Weiss joined Heinz Hossdorf's engineering office in 1963. In the pioneering days of model statics, someone had to take care of the engineering office in addition to the laboratory. Kilian Weiss became managing director and was a partner in Hossdorf and Weiss Ingenieure in 1972. In 1980, he converted the engineering office into the general partnership Weiss-Guillod-Gisi Ingenieure with the two long-standing employees René Guillod and Rudolf Gisi as partners.

Kilian Weiss was an exceptional entrepreneur with broad specialist knowledge, great loyalty, trustworthy business attitude, generosity and humanity. He had a broad network of relationships and won the trust of employees by valuing them and involving them in decision-making processes. This participative management style enabled the company to attract young partners such as Heinrich Schnetzer and Tivadar Puskas in the 1990s, who built up the engineering firm into the current Schnetzer Puskas Ingenieure AG.

During his career, Kilian Weiss worked with many clients, including the Basel Zoo (new monkey house and new restaurant building), the Rudolf Steiner School (school on the Jakobsberg), BVB (expansion of workshops and depots), national road construction (Breite highway overpass), the Antikenmuseum (extension building) and Pax Life Insurance (administration building on Aeschenplatz). He retired in 2004.

With his cultivated and charismatic personality, he inspired our company and the people who had the privilege of working with him. We greatly miss his foresighted thinking and his distinctive humanity.

DECEMBER 3, 2023

Basel Star 2023 goes to Heinrich Schnetzer and Tivadar Puskas
Since 1995, the "Basler Stern" has been awarded to "personalities who have performed with continuity and passion for Basel for many years and have thus made an impact far beyond the city-canton's borders". 
"Heinrich Schnetzer and Tivadar Puskas have indeed made great achievements for decades, they are and were highly respected in the construction industry. However, hardly anyone in the general public knows them," reads today's article in the Basel newspaper bz Basel, which devotes an article to this award and the two engineers.

We feel very honored by this recognition and the light shed on our profession. Our heartfelt thanks to the organizing committee for the award!

Link to the article in the bz Basel (Paywall)

NOVEMBER 20, 2023

Acknowledgement for the Zwhatt high-rise at the Holcim Awards
The Holcim Awards honor sustainable construction projects around the world. The Aknowledgement Europe went to the Zwhatt high-rise, which we are realizing with Roger Boltshauser Architekten. The jury praised the densification, the hybrid construction and the integrated photovoltaics, which generate half of the apartments' electrical energy. The award ceremony took place on November 18 in Venice.

More information: https://www.holcimfoundation.org/projects/high-rise-h1-zwhattt-site 

NOVEMBER 3, 2023

Gutes Bauen Award 2023 - Basel-Landschaft and Basel-Stadt 

For the seventh time, the cantons of Basel-Landschaft and Basel-Stadt have jointly honoured "good building" in the Basel region. As planners who "support and foster the process of conceptualisation with their concepts", as jury president Chrissie Muhr put it, we are delighted to be recognised with these awards:

- Community living with commercial premises on the Erlenmatt-Areal Ost: https://www.auszeichnunggutesbauen-bl-bs.ch/auszeichnungen/#wohn-und-gewerbehaeuser-erlenmatt-ost 
- Conversion of the former silo building into a meeting and working space: https://www.auszeichnunggutesbauen-bl-bs.ch/auszeichnungen/#umnutzung-silo-erlenmatt 
- Innovative timber construction for the headquarters of the Christoph Merian Stiftung: https://www.auszeichnunggutesbauen-bl-bs.ch/auszeichnungen/#hauptsitz-christoph-merian-stiftung 

Congratulations to all the project teams!

AUGUST 30, 2023

Competition Wache West and Stadtarchiv, Zurich

We are very excited to have won the competition for a new building hosting both a station of the protection & rescue service as well as the state archives of the city of Zurich. Together with the team of Adrian Streich Architekten and Ganz Landschaftsarchitekt*innen, we proposed to combine the two different uses in an elegant high-rise building. The jury appreciated the team's solution to the challenge of high-quality densification while respecting the listed ensemble of the former slaughterhouse area. 

Link to the press release of Stadt Zürich

MAY 5, 2023

Titlis Bergbahnen in Engelberg will start construction work on the 3020-meter-high mountain in mid-May. First the beam tower will be extended, then the mountain station, which has been extended several times, will be newly built. The project is scheduled for completion in 2029.

Link to the radio report from SRF

APRIL 20, 2023

The Freilager school complex in Zurich and the Spore Initiative in Berlin have been nominated for the Building Award in the building construction category. We are excited and looking forward to the award ceremony on June 15!

Link to the 2023 nominations

APRIL 3, 2023

We are proud of the competition success with Boltshauser Architekten for the denk.mal documentation center in Hamburg. This central educational site will provide detailed information about the deportation events and the fates of individuals. "The building will be an open house of encounter, documentation and remembrance," says architect Roger Boltshauser.

Link to the media release of the city of Hamburg

MARCH 24, 2023

On March 24, the winning project by Herzog & de Meuron and all other competition entries submitted for the planned "Rosentalturm" in Basel were presented to the public in an exhibition.

The new construction of the Rosentalturm and the half-timbered building on Riehenstrasse form an innovative and sustainable extension in concrete and timber construction, developed from a constructive logic. Due to the parking facility in the basement and the staggering of the high-rise building in the vertical, a skeleton structure with stabilizing access cores lends itself as a load-bearing structure. For sustainability reasons, the high-rise is largely built with CO2-bound recycled concrete from the deconstruction of the parking facility and the excavation. In addition, the upper floor slabs are partially prefabricated and designed with a thickness of 16cm to conserve resources. The seven-story building on Riehenstrasse is planned as a pure timber structure. Like the extension of the Rosentalanlage, it will be built on top of the new parking lot.

From March 27 to April 6, 2023, all entries can be viewed daily from 3 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. in the MCH Lounge at Messe Basel. 

Link to the MCH Group website

MARCH 13, 2023

After dismantling the building down to the basement levels, the go-ahead was given on 8 March for the shell construction work for the new Bubenbergzentrum in Bern. This building is part of the extension project at Bern railway station. An important and complex task for us.

Link to the story of SBB Immobilien

JANUARY 25, 2023

On a site of around 4430 square meters, a new station building, a residential and commercial building and a connecting building in between are being constructed at Liestal train station following the plans of Burkhard Meyer Architekten. Schnetzer Puskas Ingenieure are involved in this project as structural engineers.

Link to the media release of SBB Immobilien

DEZEMBER 02, 2022

The team of Graber Pulver and H+P Objektplanung Aachen GmbH wins the two-stage competition for the "New Fire and Rescue Station 1" in Cologne. The new building fits precisely into the spatial context of Cologne's city center due to the differentiated stacking of the various areas of use on the two long sides. We are looking forward to working on this challenging task in Cologne's city center.

To the media release of the city of Cologne

NOVEMBER 25, 2022

The jury of the architectural competition announced by the city of Renens for the redesign of the Verdeaux-Pépinières-Saugiaz school complex has chosen the project of the team led by the architectural firm Comte/Meuwly and La Touche Verte Architectes. 

To the media release of the city of Renens

NOVEMBER 8, 2022

Another architectural competition for the Volta Nord site in the St. Johann district of Basel has been decided. Schnetzer Puskas Ingenieure won the first prize with Baumann Lukas Architektur. The Basler Zeitung reports about the project:

Article BaZ, 08.11.2022 (in German)

OCTOBER 27, 2022

Heimatschutz Basel has been awarding prizes for expertly renovated old buildings and exemplary new buildings since 1969. This year, three objects were awarded, among them the newly built cooperative housing estate Burgfelderstrasse 216-240, which we realized with Nord Architekten.
All awarded projects and their appreciation can be found here: https://www.heimatschutz-bs.ch/was-wir-tun/bautenpraemierung 

JUNE 24, 2022

The renovation of the historic military barracks in Basel into the new ‘kHaus’ cultural center is completed. The seminal building now stands as a public nexus in the heart of the city. Several press articles cover this project:

Article on designboom

MAY 15, 2022

The "Zentrum Papiermühle" site is centrally located in the Papiermühle district of Ittigen. For the development of the area a study contract was carried out. The contribution of the team E2A / Piet Eckert and Wim Eckert Architects together with Studio Vulkan Landscape Architecture and Schnetzer Puskas Ingenieure was recommended for further processing by the evaluation committee. The submissions of all five teams will be on display in the first floor of the Municipal Building until May 23, 2022.

Link to the project - E2A Architects

APRIL 29, 2022

We congratulate our member of the Executive Board Salome Hug on her election to the Board of the Swiss Society of Engineers and Architects (SIA) at the Assembly of Delegates last Friday. We are pleased that she represents our profession on the board and wish her and the other three new board members every success.

Link to the media release of the SIA

NOVEMBER 10, 2021

1st rank in competitionline's 10-year ranking

The competitionline ranking is the only ranking in the German-speaking area that is based exclusively on competition results. After 10 years, the competitionline editorial team has evaluated the competition results for the years 2011-2020: Schnetzer Puskas Ingenieure is the most successful structural engineering office of the past decade in 1st place!

More about the ranking

NOVEMBER 3, 2021

The conversion of Silo Erlenmatt Basel wins the Building Award 2021

The ceremony of the 4th Building Award took place on November 2, 2021 in Luzern. Outstanding engineering achievements in construction were honored and celebrated in five categories. In the building construction category, Schnetzer Puskas Ingenieure was awarded a prize for the Silo Erlenmatt conversion project. WaltGalmarini won an award in the same category for the Leuenhof Zurich conversion.

Press release by Schnetzer Puskas Ingenieure
Link to the Building Award website

NOVEMBER 1, 2021

Building application for the Campus MITTE1|2 structures for University Hospital Zurich successfully submitted

As the structural engineering partner, we are looking forward to this new phase of the project together with Christ & Gantenbein and the other project partners. The buildings are scheduled to be completed on the site of the University Hospital Zurich by 2028. Salome Hug, Member of our Board and Lead Project Manager, explains how the supporting structure enables a flexible use of the spaces: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ih2dxexH7lk

Link to the press release by University Hospital Zurich

OKTOBER 15, 2021

YES2021 Symposium - Audience Prize for Schnetzer Puskas Ingenieure

This year, the Young Engineers' Symposium again took place at the Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts. The event offers young civil engineers a platform to present their professional experiences. Our colleague René Carpaij was awarded the Audience Prize for his presentation of the Spore Initiative Berlin project. Behind the project lies a lot of work, creative engineering and the motivated participation of a whole team. Thanks to René and his team for their great commitment and important contribution!

Link to the website of IABSE (International Association for Bridge and Structural Engineering)

OCTOBER 14, 2021

Prix Lignum / 1st Prize Region Mitte for Swatch Headquarter

The new Swatch Group headquarters "Cité du Temps" was awarded the Prix Lignum / 1st rank Central Region. Sustainability was an important issue for the whole project. We are proud of this award and congratulate all other award winners!

Link to the Prix Lignum website

SEPTEMBER 28, 2021

Green light for residential development Birseck Birsfelden

The Birsfelden municipal assembly has approved the Birseckstrasse district plan. This allows for the construction of a 73-meter-high residential high-rise visible from afar - the starting signal for the municipality's broad-based transformation.

Link to the article in the Bzbasel (28.09.2021)

AUGUST 24, 2021

Competition for the first new building on Rosental Mitte in Basel

As first new construction on the area Rosental Mitte, the canton of Basel is planning a Research Lab Building. We are very happy about a great ranking for our office in this selective competition: 1st rank with ARGE Karamuk Kuo / HSSP; 2nd rank with Itten+Brechbühl / Kunz und Mösch; 3rd rank with Boltshauser Architekten.

Link to the press release of the Department of Construction and Transport Basel-Stadt (in German)

AUGUST 13, 2021

Helvetia Campus in bz Basel

The newspaper bz Basel reports in detail about the progress of the construction site of the Helvetia Campus.

Link to the article in German (PDF)

AUGUST 05, 2021

Competition Success: New Building Social Insurance Court Winterthur

A new building for the Social Insurance Court of the Canton of Zurich is being planned on the future judicial campus in Winterthur. In this public project competition we were ranked with two teams: 1st prize with Zimmer Schmidt Architekten; 2nd prize with Karamuk Kuo Architekten.

Congratulation to the teams!

Link to the report on espazium.ch

JULY 28, 2021

Best Architects 22 Awards

Two projects which we were trusted to provide structural support for were granted with a «best architects award»: The Centurion High-Rise Tower by Schneider & Schneider Architekten and the VBZ bus garage / ERZ depot by Pool Architekten (Gold Award). The award is one of the most prestigious distinctions for architecture and a barometer of the latest developments in the top segment of the field.

Link to the winners gallery

JUNE 28, 2021

1st Prize Competition Sports Center Zurich-Oerlikon

With an innovative new building, the city of Zurich is planning a large sports facility that will combine different types of sports under one roof. We are thrilled to be part of the winning team with Boltshauser Architekten! The construction has been carefully designed and combines ecology, architecture and structure.
More information: stadt-zuerich.ch/wettbewerbe

JUNE 27, 2021

Building permit granted for extension project of the Fondation Beyeler

On June 2, the Beyeler Foundation received the building permit for its extension project by Atelier Peter Zumthor. This clears the way for the realization of the project. The extension comprises three buildings: the House of Art, a service building for administration and deliveries, and a garden pavilion. Construction is scheduled to start in late Summer 2021. We are happy to monitor the project on the structural engineering side and look forward to its realization.

For more information about the project: https://www.fondationbeyeler.ch/en/museum/extension-project

JUNE 3, 2021

Article about Zwhatt in Espazium

Espazium reports about the urban district Zwhatt, where a diverse range of apartment types is being built. We have the privilege to oversee the planning and execution of the wooden high-rise building designed by Boltshauser Architekten.

Link to the article (in French)

APRIL 1, 2021

1st prize Holliger building site O1

On the site of the former waste incineration plant in the Bernese district of Holligen, around 330 modern and affordable apartments will be built over the next four years. The Holliger Infrastructure Cooperative ISGH is coordinating and planning the construction of this new housing development. We are very pleased that the team around Jaeger Koechlin Architects was able to win the competition for construction site O1.

To the project on the website of Jaeger Koechlin Architekten

MARCH 19, 2021

1st Prize Sicherheitszentrum Rothenburg

Schnetzer Puskas Ingenieure and ARGE atelier ww Caretta Weidmann GmbH were awarded the first prize for the new security centre in Rothenburg. The building is to be constructed in the immediate vicinity of Rothenburg Station and shall be occupied in 2028. In addition to the security and traffic police, the project will provide space for the food control and consumer protection office and the veterinary service. The new building is to be constructed using a hybrid construction method of wood, concrete and steel. A multi-storey building is planned above the base.

Link to the jury report

FEBRUARY 8, 2021

1st prize Zentrum für Zahnmedizin, Zurich

We are thrilled and honored to have won the first prize in the competition for the new Center for Dental Medicine in Zurich with the team around ARGE Boltshauser Architekten and Drees & Sommer Schweiz. The project for the new Zentrum für Zahnmedizin ZZM distinguishes itself by a generous green space and an innovative timber construction.

To the press release (in German)

JANUARY 19, 2021

The award procedure for the construction of the new Adlershof Community School has been concluded.

By the 2026/2027 school year, 1,332 new school class places in grades 1-13 will be created at Hermann-Dorner-Allee/Eisenhutweg in Berlin. The bidding consortium AFF Gesellschaft von Architekten from Berlin emerged as the winner out of a total of 18 participating architectural firms in the two-stage procedure. We are looking foward to the realization of this project.

Press release of the steering group of the Taskforce School Construction

NOVEMBER 27, 2020

First prize Theaterstrasse 12, Zurich

In 2022, the lease for the "Globus-Haus" in Bellevue expires and the building will undergo a complete renovation for the first time. The client - PSP Group - has decided not to build a replacement building, but to undertake a comprehensive overall renovation in order to significantly improve the ecological and economic aspects of the property. A study for the renovation was carried out by six planning teams. The input of the Basel architects Jessenvollenweider with Schnetzer Puskas Ingenieure was recommended for further processing. The project envisages that the basic static framework is largely retained on all floors. The breakthroughs are planned in the ceiling panels.

To the article in Hochparterre

NOVEMBER 25, 2020

First prize extension of Collège des Parcs, Neuchâtel

The City of Neuchâtel has announced the winners of the competition for the renovation of the Collège des Parcs. The project mainly concerns the area around the school, with the creation of two new gymnasiums embedded under the schoolyard and a redesigned annex building. The young Neuchâtel architectural firm Stoa Architekten won the 1st prize. We are pleased to be in charge of the structural engineering for this project. The works should start in June 2021.

Link to the announcement on espazium competitions

OCTOBER 14, 2020

1st prize in project competition for the operations center of the Technische Betriebe St. Gallen

Together with the planning team around Durisch + Nolli Architetti, we are thrilled to have been awarded the 1st prize for the Betriebszentrum der Technischen Betriebe St. Gallen. A challenging project, whose further development we are looking forward to.
The competition entries will be displayed in St. Gallen City Hall from October 14 to 27, 2020.

To the press release

JULY 20, 2020

The best architects 21 award has been announced.

The jury of the best architects 21 award honoured 80 projects with an award. We are very pleased that several projects in which we were involved were honored.

The office and commercial building YOND in Zurich, designed by SLIK Architekten, was awarded a gold medal.

Other award-winning projects include the Schönburg hotel and residential building in Bern by Marazzi + Paul Architekten, the Mühlerain house in Meilen by pool Architekten, and the Silo Erlenmatt in Basel by Harry Gugger Studio.

Click here for the gallery of winners

MAY 10, 2020

Article about Schnetzer Puskas engineers in the NZZ am Sonntag

The NZZ am Sonntag dated 10 May published a comprehensive article about our office and our work. Many thanks to the editorial staff for this nice article!

Link to the article (in German)

APRIL 26, 2020

Again in 2019/2020, Schnetzer Puskas Ingenieure is ranked first in the competitiononline ranking!

The competitionline ranking is the only ranking in the German-speaking world that is based exclusively on competition results. The competitionline editorial team evaluates all competition results published on competitionline.com and establishes the ranking of the most successful offices.

We also owe this award to the excellent cooperation with our project partners.

More about the ranking: https://www.competitionline.com/de/ranking

FEBRUARY 17, 2020

Article about Schnetzer Puskas engineers in the BaZ
Today, the Basler Zeitung reports in detail about the experiences and the latest projects of our office.

To the article in PDF format

JANUARY 17, 2020

1st Prize Grand Canal Museum, Hangzhou, China
Herzog & de Meuron has won the competition for a new museum complex on the banks of the Grand Canal in Hangzhou. The new museum will reflect the importance of the canal for China's cultural and natural landscapes and create a lively, contemporary meeting place. Schnetzer Puskas Ingenieure and the entire planning team are looking forward to this project.

To the article in Espazium (in German)

JANUARY 14, 2020

1st prize study contract Heinrich-Areal in Zurich
The current issue of TEC21 presents the three projects of the second stage of the Heinrich-Areal study contract in Zurich. The project by jessenvollenweider Architektur was unanimously awarded first prize. Schnetzer Puskas Ingenieure and the entire planning team are delighted about this success!

To the article in TEC21 (in German)

NOVEMBER 19, 2019

Competition for the extension of Zurich Stadelhofen railway station
The "Elysion" project convinced the jury: Together with the planning team Giuliani Hönger Architekten / Caretta+Weidmann Generalplaner, we are delighted about this competition success!

To the media report by Neue Zürcher Zeitung

NOVEMBER 7, 2019

Study assignment for the extension of Klinik Meissenberg has been decided
The first prize of the competition for the renovation and extension of the Klinik Meissenberg has been awarded to the architects Diener & Diener with August + Margrith Künzel Landschaftsarchitekten and Schnetzer Puskas Ingenieure. All the submitted projects can be viewed from 5 to 15 November 2019 in the Altstadthalle Zug, Unter Altstadt 14.

To the press release of Klinik Meissenberg (in German)

NOVEMBER 6, 2019

Development of the ZO media area in Wetzikon
Zürcher Oberland Medien AG is planning a new building at its current location in Wetzikon. "Newsstreet One" will not only serve as their new headquarters, but also as a housing and commercial center. The contract for the new building was awarded to CH Architekten AG from Wallisellen. Schnetzer Puskas Ingenieure supports the project in the field of structural design. Now the project has its own website:


NOVEMBER 1, 2019

1st prize for the Meet project
Two days ago, the result of the two-stage competition organized by the association “Airport City Zurich” was presented. The Meet project is designed to create a meeting and working place in the office and commercial area near Zurich Airport. The plans by Sou Fujimoto Architects envision an ensemble of different buildings with an almost circular ground plan, situated in a densely vegetated environment.

To the article published in Hochparterre (October 31, 2019)

OCTOBER 25, 2010

taz building among the five finalists for the DAM Prize 2020
Since 2007, the DAM Prize for Architecture in Germany has been awarded annually to outstanding buildings in Germany. In 2020, the prize will be awarded for the fourth time by the German Architecture Museum (DAM).
Schnetzer Puskas Ingenieure have realized the new taz building, an editorial and publishing building in Berlin, with e2a architects from Zurich.

To the media release of the DAM (in German)

OCTOBER 24, 2019

Exhibition of the Aula winner project in Interlaken
In 2018, the municipality of Interlaken started a study on the future of the Aula Schulanlage Alpenstrasse. The winning project by Buchner Bründler Architects with Schnetzer Puskas Ingenieure involves the preservation of the building and an extension. The selected project as well as the five further study commissions will be publicly exhibited between October 26 and November 3.

To the media release of the municipality of Interlaken (in German)

OCTOBER 11, 2019

Renovation and expansion of Helvetia Campus, Basel
Helvetia received construction approval for its head office project in spring 2019. The project is designed by Herzog & de Meuron. Schnetzer Puskas Ingenieure assists the project in the area of structural design. Construction work will start on October 14, 2019.

To the press release of Helvetia (in German)

JULY 16, 2019

Redevelopment of the former Postbank Karree in Munich
The project involves the redevelopment and expansion of the former Postbank headquarters, located in direct vicinity of the main railway station. The modern, urban block is to offer a mixture of downtown uses and meet the highest standards of quality and sustainability.

In addition to Herzog & de Meuron, two other renowned offices applied for the project. The designs and models of all three architectural offices are currently presented in an exhibition at the Lokalbaukommission in Munich. We are looking forward to this exciting assignment.

Article in the Süddeutsche Zeitung, July 10, 2019

JUNE 20, 2019

taz publishing building in Berlin
The magazine structure/DETAIL has published an article about the new building for the taz in Berlin. E2A Architekten and Schnetzer Puskas Ingenieure have developed a building with a reduced supporting structure.

Link to the project and the article

MAY 27, 2019

Refurbishment of Kaserne cultural centre, Basel
The architecture websites ArchDaily and designboom report on the renovation of the Kaserne Basel.

The first shell construction stage ends in mid-June, when the scaffolding and the crane will be dismantled for the duration of the Tattoo 2019. The second shell construction stage is expected to last from August 2019 to May 2020. The 9,000 square metre cultural and neighbourhood centre in Kleinbasel should be completed by mid-2021

Link to article in ArchDaily

Link to article in designboom

APRIL 30, 2019

Papieri Quarter, Cham
The idle paper mill at the northern edge of Cham will be turned into a new quarter. Surrounded by forests and meadows before production began in the steadily growing industrial area 360 years ago, the spatial gap between the city and the “Papieri” site has slowly closed. The boiler house is the most prominent identity-defining building on entering the “Papieri” quarter. As before, it occupies a central position on the premises of the former paper mill. The distinctive, listed 1950s building used to supply the entire paper mill with power generated by vaporisation of water. The house continues to fulfil this fundamental function as a catalyst even after the change of use. Light-weight construction elements made of steel and glass are integrated in the existing structure to accommodate various uses. The in-between space offers additional room for working, crafting and relaxing.

Source: Buchner Bründler Architekten

JANUARY 31, 2019

New nursing centre Kloster Ingenbohl
One of the central projects for the redesign of the monastery hill is the renewal of the care area. The six-storey new building is a central building block in the monastery complex and replaces the old St. Josef nursing home. The 70m long new building, set like a disc on the monastery hill, is intended to strengthen the spirituality and uniqueness of the place through a contemporary architectural expression. Through the differentiated materialisation with the upper floor timber construction, the desired sensuality and closeness to nature are to be brought into the building and radiated.

Project description and jury announcement on Konkurado

JANUARY 8, 2019

Spore Initiative Berlin
AFF together with Schnetzer Puskas Ingenieure won the competition for two new buildings with a non-profit program in Berlin. The location for the planned project is situated on Hermanstrasse on the site of the evangelical Jerusalem V cemetery, which will be deconsecrated over the next few decades in several phases. Several other non-profit or cooperative projects are planned here. The planning task consisted of an implementation part for the Spore Initiative, which is being financed by the Schöpflin Foundation, and an idea part for the future House of non-profit Journalism.

Article on BauNetz (in German)

NOVEMBER 8, 2018

ZHAW Campus Winterthur
The ZHAW School of Engineering is being extended on the Technikumstrasse in Winterthur to host a campus with a park. The new buildings required for this and the free space will be realized in four stages. The consortium of Graber Pulver architects and Takt Baumanagement, also including Schnetzer Puskas Ingenieure, have been commissioned with the project planning and implementation of the 1st stage.
We are looking forward to implementing this project together with the planning team.

Media release of the Zurich construction department (in German)

NOVEMBER 6, 2018

USZ Kernareal and Forum UZH, Zurich
Schnetzer Puskas Ingenieure is a part of both winning teams for the projects in the University of Zurich Center.
The “USZ Kernareal” study contract was awarded to the general planning team Berthold Christ & Gantenbein with b+p baurealisation. The project is the first large stage of the complete renovation of the University Hospital of Zurich.
The general planning team of Herzog & de Meuron Basel together with b+p baurealisation won the project competition “Forum UZH” and will build the new educational and research center building for the University of Zurich on the Wässerwies area.

Overview of the development of the Zurich Zentrum University District